Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS! 2021 Marion Phelps & Richard Evans awards

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larger_awards_0.jpg--January 12, 2021.

Marion Phelps & Richard Evans awards

Presented annually by QAHN in recognition of outstanding contributions by individuals and organizations to preserving and promoting the heritage and history of Quebec’s English-speaking communities.

OPEN LETTER FROM QAHN: Quebec's Heritage and Its Future

--June 9, 2020.


The Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN), a province-wide network of organizations and individuals that works to promote the preservation of the heritage of the province’s English-speaking communities, welcomes the conclusions and recommendations of Quebec’s Auditor General in regards to heritage policy in her latest report.

QAHN IS 20 !

QAHN Is 20 !

--June 9, 2020.

Founded back in 2000, QAHN celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2020.

Never in our wildest dreams could we have predicted that a massive worldwide pandemic would turn our “QAHN 20” victory lap into a surreal “COVID 19” alternate reality. Which of course much of 2020 has turned out to be -- for all of us!