Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network

Lancement de l’édition spéciale de Quebec Heritage News à Uplands

Lancement de l’édition spéciale de Quebec Heritage News

--30 novembre 2023

Le lancement de l’édition spéciale de Quebec Heritage News, entièrement consacrée à « My Dear Mrs. Millar: Soul Tending from the Townships to the Lower North Shore » de Yolande Allard, traduit par Julie Miller, s’est tenu au Centre culturel et site du patrimoine Uplands de Lennoxville.

2023 Richard Evans Award Presentation in Shannon!

The organizers of the renowned Shannon Irish Show!

--September 25, 2023.

QAHN Directors Simon Jacobs (left) and Michèle Thibeau (right) visited Shannon this past weekend, where they presented the volunteer organizers of the renowned Shannon Irish Show with the coveted 2023 Richard Evans Award!

Participants in the ceremony were delighted. Or as Deborah Kiley (second from left in this photo) put it, "thank you QAHN, and to you Simon & Michèle, for taking the time to come and present the Richard Evans award in Shannon! We were very honored to be recognized for this most prestigious award!"

"Raising Spirits": new QAHN documentary series in the works!

Magoon Point lime kiln.

--July 26, 2023.

The QAHN film crew (Heather Darch and Allison Kirkwood) is crisscrossing the Eastern Townships this week, interviewing special guests and collecting stories and footage for our next documentary series: "Raising Spirits: Exploring the cemeteries, crossroads and vanishing places of rural Quebec."