
Trivia Quiz: Murdochville: the Turbulent Past of a Young Mining Town

--March 20, 2019.

1. What mineral, discovered 20 kilometres from the Gaspésie littoral in 1909 led to the founding of Murdochville, one of Quebec’s youngest municipalities?
a. Bronze
b. Copper
c. Nickel
d. Gold

2. In what river were traces of this mineral fist discovered by Alfred Miller?
a. York river
b. Dartmouth River
c. Saint-Jean River
d. All of the above
e. Both a and c

Trivia Quiz: Murdochville: the Turbulent Past of a Young Mining Town (Answers)

--March 21, 2019.

1. B. Copper

2. A. York River

3. A. The first president of the Noranda Mining Company. The former miners’ camp was named after him and was known simply as Murdoch.

4. B. 1,000. 300 houses were built to accommodate these miners between 1952 and 1953.

5. D. The charter required the mayor and all municipal councillors of Murdochville to be able to speak English.

La chute, New Glasgow. Ancienne carte postale, vers 1910. Collection privée. / The Falls, New Glasgow. Early postcard, c.1910.

Iron Giants and Brave Men: Remembering the Rand of Sherbrooke’s Industrial Legacy (*Excerpt from Quebec Heritage News)

larger_rand.jpgThe Story of Sherbrooke's Ingersoll - Rand, commonly just called the Rand, is not only the history of a prolific industry, but a glimpse into the lives of the thousands of men and women who worked there. In Sherbrooke, almost everyone knows someone who worked in the sprawling west-end shops of the Rand.