
Proceed up River Street to Hodge's Store (20 River Street). Built c.1840, this unusual red brick building operated as a general store for three generations. According to one tale, the storekeeper "refused to sell cigarettes, but did stock chewing tobacco and had well placed spittoons for loungers around the store." The store also served as a pharmacy, post office, and most certainly as the village gossip-mill. When Hodge's closed in 1972, the Hodge family deeded the building and its contents to the Miss
Proceed up River Street to Hodge's Store (20 River Street). Built c.1840, this unusual red brick building operated as a general store for three generations. According to one tale, the storekeeper "refused to sell cigarettes, but did stock chewing tobacco and had well placed spittoons for loungers around the store." The store also served as a pharmacy, post office, and most certainly as the village gossip-mill. When Hodge's closed in 1972, the Hodge family deeded the building and its contents to the Missisquoi Historical Society, on the condition that the store be kept just as it was. The historical society has faithfully kept that promise ever since.