
The Loyalist Chair, c.1780. 
This small 18th century Chippendale style chair was owned by the Grange family who came to Upper Canada at the beginning of the American Revolution. The chair made its way to Lower Canada and Missisquoi Bay over the passage of time. The family willed the chair's ownership through generations of the family line with the stipulation that whoever owned the "Loyalist chair" would never return it across the border to the United States. (Missisquoi Historical Society Collection
The Loyalist Chair, c.1780.
This small 18th century Chippendale style chair was owned by the Grange family who came to Upper Canada at the beginning of the American Revolution. The chair made its way to Lower Canada and Missisquoi Bay over the passage of time. The family willed the chair's ownership through generations of the family line with the stipulation that whoever owned the "Loyalist chair" would never return it across the border to the United States. (Missisquoi Historical Society Collections)