
Account Book, William Stanton, Philipsburg, 1811-1813.
Occasionally, merchants used their ledgers as diaries, recording events in the community, or as personal agendas. William Stanton, for example, stopped his business transactions to record what must have been a frightening event in the lives of the citizens of Philipsburg. A notation in Stanton's book provides the following brief description of the War of 1812 in Missisquoi: "Sunday morning October 12th 1813. When the Americans came to Missisquoi Ba
Account Book, William Stanton, Philipsburg, 1811-1813.
Occasionally, merchants used their ledgers as diaries, recording events in the community, or as personal agendas. William Stanton, for example, stopped his business transactions to record what must have been a frightening event in the lives of the citizens of Philipsburg. A notation in Stanton's book provides the following brief description of the War of 1812 in Missisquoi: "Sunday morning October 12th 1813. When the Americans came to Missisquoi Bay took 93 prisoners and 130 stand of arms and about 2500 dollars worth of smuggled goods design for States. Wednesday 27 October when the Americans was (sic) at the City (Frelighsburg) and took a number of smuggled cattle." (Missisquoi Historical Society Collections)