
A page from the Luke Ledger, 1792. 
The vast array of goods available at the Philip Luke store can be seen in the account of Ernest Cismore. In 1792, Cismore purchased goods ranging from cloth, buttons and mittens to nails, salt and tobacco. He was even able to buy a pair of "Inden shoes" or moccasins. Ernest Cismore paid for his goods with his labour. (Missisquoi Historical Society Collections)
A page from the Luke Ledger, 1792.
The vast array of goods available at the Philip Luke store can be seen in the account of Ernest Cismore. In 1792, Cismore purchased goods ranging from cloth, buttons and mittens to nails, salt and tobacco. He was even able to buy a pair of "Inden shoes" or moccasins. Ernest Cismore paid for his goods with his labour. (Missisquoi Historical Society Collections)