--January 10, 2022.
There are many wonderful Canadian history lessons, but one that has often been overlooked is that of Canadian inventor and automobile maker, George Foote Foss, of Sherbrooke, Quebec. More than 124 years ago, a prosperous mechanic, blacksmith, and bicycle repairman named George Foote Foss built Canada’s first successful gasoline engine automobile, which was later referred to as the Fossmobile.
Recently, Ron Foss, the grandson of the inventor, has undertaken a project to build an exact replica of the original Fossmobile, with plans of bringing it to Sherbrooke for the 125th anniversary, in August of 2022.
For many years, the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network has been aware of the Fossmobile story and its historical relevance to Quebec and the Eastern Townships. However, only just recently we were made aware of the planned replica and the pending anniversary. This is an initiative that QAHN fully supports. However, there are significant costs associated with the venture and we have learned that Fossmobile Ent has an all-important Go Fund Me campaign.
If you would like to join us in supporting this initiative, please visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/h7v6m7-fossmobile and donate now.
The names of donors will be etched onto a plaque or donor board, like what you might see at any historic venue, once the Fossmobile finds its ultimate home at the Canadian Automotive Museum.