Hot off the Presses! New QAHN Handbook -- Heritage on Zoom!

Zoom Handbook

--June 4, 2024.

Hot off the presses!
Hosting Heritage Events on Zoom.

Make your next Zoom presentation, seminar, AGM, 
meeting, or musical performance go off without a hitch. 
In our new, free guide for members, we share the secrets 
of QAHN’s four-year’s worth of experience hosting 
engaging public events on Zoom for thousands of people across the province and beyond. This guide takes you 
from the basics of setting up your first meeting all the 
way to livestreaming Zoom events on social media 
platforms to expand your reach. Learn how to create a more secure meeting, set up attendee registration, manage events with dozens or hundreds of participants, and troubleshoot when something goes wrong.

For the cost of postage, this 47-page illustrated colour guide is yours for the taking.

Email:[email protected] for your copy.