--February 29, 2024.
Leadership Matters in community heritage and culture
Volunteers are the life-force of local heritage and culture. Across the province, small museums, archives, historical societies, and cultural organizations depend wholly or in part on an army of dedicated supporters, including hundreds of English-speaking Quebecers who serve on community governing boards. It’s also no secret that non-profit boards are struggling to find younger members to help lead the way forward. Long-serving directors remain deeply motivated to give their time and energy, but many feel exhausted...

Directors serving with QAHN member-organizations were invited to take part this week in an important conversation about grassroots leadership and renewal. The activity took part at the Hemmingford Archives as part of QAHN's ongoing "Mentorship and Training for Community Heritage" (MATCH) program.
Leading the discussion were Rola Helou, a professional organizational trainer with a background in education, and Fergus Keyes, a chartered director (C. Dir) specializing in governance matters who also serves on QAHN’s board of directors.
According to QAHN staff member Heather Darch, who helped to organize the training session, the speakers were excellent, and participants all seemed to get a great deal out of the training.
15 representatives from eight heritage and community groups participated in the event. These included board and staff members from Hemmingford Archives, Missisquoi Museum, Lac-Brome Museum, and the Châteauguay Valley Historical Society, among others.
If you or your organization would like to learn more about board training or other types of mentorship opportunities, please email Dwane Wilkin at: [email protected].
The Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise.