Sandra Stock Wins Special QAHN Award

Photo - M. Farfan
Photo - M. Farfan

larger_20190602_090702.2.jpg(Sherbrooke, Quebec, June 3, 2019). At its annual awards ceremony, held in Knowlton, Quebec, on June 1, 2019, longtime volunteer Sandra Stock was presented with a Special QAHN Award "in recognition of over 15 years of steadfast and continuing volunteer service to the organization: as Vice-President, Member of the Board of Directors, Chair of the Montreal and Communications committees, contributor to Quebec Heritage News magazine and Laurentian Heritage WebMagazine, and ambassador for QAHN at countless cultural and heritage events."

The award came as a complete surprise to Stock, who expressed gratitude and a determination to continue working for the organization which she said had been "the most important thing she had done in her life." QAHN Executive Director Matthew Farfan said that "Sandra had been a steadfast volunteer for the organization for over 15 years; and one of our most important contributors."