
2023 Richard Evans Award Presentation in Shannon!
--September 25, 2023. QAHN Directors Simon Jacobs (left) and Michèle Thibeau (right) visited Shannon this past weekend, where they presented the volunteer organizers of the renowned Shannon Irish Show with the coveted 2023 Richard Evans Award! Participants in the ceremony were delighted. Or as Deborah Kiley (second from left in this photo) put it, "thank you QAHN, and to you Simon & Michèle, for taking the time to come and present the Richard Evans award in Shannon! We were very honored to be recognized for this most prestigious award!"
Check out QAHN’s Scandal Maker’s 3: The Convert
Leger-Jean-Baptiste-Noël Veyssière (1728-1800) was a Récollet priest who converted to Protestantism. A scandalous act indeed! Unable to speak English coherently, Veyssière began his ministry to a congregation largely composed of English-speaking soldiers. Hosts Julie Miller and François Roy tell a funny story on the site that used to be the first Protestant cemetery and the final resting place of this unusual man in Trois-Rivières, Quebec. You can see The Convert, and other short docs in our Scandal Makers series, on QAHN’s YouTube channel!
Help!!! - How are we doing? Please take the 2023 QAHN Survey
January 10, 2023. QAHN is always working to better serve our members, and the heritage community at large.  We've developed this quick survey to find out what programs and services are of greatest interest to the community, and to help us better fulfill our mandate. Please take a few moments to answer the following 10-question survey. Let us know how we're doing. Or how we can improve.  We really appreciate your feedback! Click here to complete the quick survey... Thank you!!
Heritage Live in Stanstead: it's a wrap!
The third in the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network's ongoing series of "Heritage Live" hybrid events took place on Sunday at the Colby-Curtis Museum in Stanstead. The event was combined with the 6th annual Eastern Townships Heritage Fair, featuring kiosks by the Lac-Brome Museum, LAHMS, the Eastern Townships Resource Centre, the Bury Historical and Heritage Society, the Georgeville Historical Society, and QAHN.
Groups working to preserve and promote Quebec’s English-speaking history share their stories in new first-of-its-kind book from QAHN!
--September 19, 2022. Meet The Network: Profiles of Heritage Groups Across Quebec was produced by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network. The Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) has just released a book sharing fun, insightful, and even downright intriguing stories of the custodians of the heritage and history of English-speaking Quebec.
Coming soon to a Graveyard near you!... Scandal Makers, Season 3 in the Works!
--August 15, 2022. Work is well under way on Season 3 of QAHN's popular "Scandal Makers" documentary film series, and our "Scandal Makers" production team has been back on the road, notably in the Centre du Québec and Trois-Rivières regions.