
Margaret Phillips of Cantley receives QAHN's 2022 Marion Phelps Award
MEDIA RELEASE: 2022 Marion Phelps Award goes to Margaret Phillips of Cantley 1889 (Sherbrooke, Qc., June 13, 2022). The Marion Phelps Award is presented annually by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) in recognition of outstanding long-term contributions by an individual to the preservation and promotion of Anglophone heritage in the province of Quebec.
Highlighting Indigenous History & Heritage (Resolution at QAHN AGM, June 11, 2022)
The following resolution was adopted at QAHN's Annual General Meeting, held via Zoom, on Saturday, June 11, 2022: “Highlighting Indigenous History”
June is National Indigenous History Month. Let's celebrate!
--June 1, 2022. In honour of National Indigenous History Month, we thought we would share a couple of QAHN's most recent Indigenous-themed conferences from our 2022 Heritage Talks Online series. The following talk is called "The W8banaki of Odanak: Preserving History, Language, Culture and Traditions," and features Daniel Nolett.
Last chance to register!... QAHN AGM
June 11, 10 a.m. (ZOOM). For Agenda, support documents and Zoom link: [email protected]. Agenda and documentation will be sent out closer to the meeting date!
Call for Nominations!! QAHN's annual heritage volunteer awards!
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS! 2022 HERITAGE VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION AWARDS: Marion Phelps & Richard Evans awards Presented annually by QAHN in recognition of outstanding volunteer contributions by individuals and organizations to preserving and promoting the heritage and history of Quebec’s English-speaking communities. Deadline for nominations: March 31, 2022.
Online Heritage Show & Tell: Mark your calendars!!
February 23, 2022, 1:30-3:00 p.m. QAHN & Partners present "Belonging & Identity"HERITAGE SHOW & TELL ONLINE 11 communities, 11 great projects, from podcasts and online exhibits to live performances: Here's your chance to meet heritage leaders from across Quebec who are celebrating local history and culture despite pandemic challenges.
Meet the Network: Episode #9
--November 16, 2021. Meet the Network, Episode 9: Wes Darou! This fall we have been sharing short selfie videos to introduce you to some of the inspiring people who make up our network. This week, we head to West Quebec to meet with Wes Darou, an enthusiastic speaker, author, and volunteer.
QAHN Position on the Current Proposal to Modernize Canada's Official Languages Act
RESOLUTION QAHN Board of Directors (September 21, 2021) RE: Modernization of Canada’s Official Languages Act Considering that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN), held on September 12, 2021, the Board discussed at length the Government of Canada’s proposal to modernize the Official Languages Act;
QAHN's Position on Bill 96
RESOLUTION QAHN Board of Directors (September 21, 2021) RE: Quebec’s Bill 96 At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN), held on September 12, 2021, the Board discussed at length the Government of Quebec’s proposed Bill 96 (An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec). Considering that the English-language minority community of Quebec has a long history of distinguished contributions to all facets of Quebec society;
Meet the Network!
The following is a part of a new series of selfie-videos recorded by some of the members of the far-flung Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network! Look for them on This week we travel to Vancouver, B.C., to meet QAHN's former President who shows us that you can't take Quebec out of the Quebecer.