
Mills, Chelsea, Qc., 1860s. Photographer unknown. / Moulins, Chelsea, Qc., années 1860. Photographe inconnu.

This past week, Qahn was very pleased to welcome federal Official Languages minister Ginette Petipas Taylor and Agriculture…

Meet the Network: Profiles of Heritage Groups across Quebec.
84 pages; lavishly illustrated; full colour. $20 plus postage.…

--February 23, 2022.
Today the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) welcomed nearly a dozen member groups from across Quebec…

Happy Holidays from all of us here at QAHN. And stay healthy & safe!
Please note that our offices will be closed from…

This project, undertaken by Cantley 1889, was supported through QAHN's <strong>2020-2021 Belonging & Identity</…

"COM-Unity" Project: "BELONGING"
Discover how Quebec’s English-speakers see themselves!
ONLINE, June 10, 2021, 12 noon.

Glenn Patterson, project director of QAHN's project "A Different Tune: Musical Heritage in English-speaking Quebec," co-hosted (…