More than 70 topics in 8 categories including:
History of New France: Natural History; The Native Peoples; Housing; The Economy; The Justice System; Communications; Religion; Education; Heath Care; Gardens; Acadie; What Remains of New France in Old Montréal.
History of Canada (post-New France): Place Names in Québec; Professional Sports from Montréal; Montréal's Victorian Winter Carnival; Smallpox and Louis Cyr; Expo 67; Cinema at Expo 67; The Kings and Queens of Canada since 1498; The American Invasion of Canada, 1775-1776; The War of 1812; The Fenian Raids, 1866-1870; The Rebellions of 1837-1838; The Canada-U.S. Cultural Border; Symbols of Canada; The October Crisis, 1970.
History of Expo 67: History of International Exhibitions; Building Expo 67; Cité du Havre; Île Ste-Hélène; Île Notre-Dame; La Ronde.
General Social History: Weird Victorian and Edwardian Inventions; 19th-Century Transportation; Old Age; Death; Superstition; Historical Myths; Food; Sewers; Cleanliness; Night; Ice; Christmas; The Star of Bethlehem; Time; Great Gardens of the World; Québec; Subliminal Advertising and the Death of Paul McCartney; Early Cars; Swearing;
Science: History of Science; Dinosaurs of Canada; Hominids; Charles Darwin; Volcanoes; Taxidermy; Insects.
Astronomy: Galileo; A Journey Through Space; Constellations; The Sun; Apollo 11; Astronomy for Bird Lovers; Backyard Astronomy.
Elvis Presley: A musical biography in 6 lectures.
The Beatles: A musical biography in 6 lectures.
Bruno Paul Stenson is a social historian who has been giving entertaining lectures since 1984. A fluently bilingual graduate of McGill and Concordia universities, he has earned Bachelor's degrees in Psychology and in History, a Master's degree in History, and a diploma in Public Relations Management. His public education efforts earned him the Museum Volunteer Award from the Canadian Museums Association in 2015, the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers from the Governor General of Canada in 2016, and the Château Ramezay Centennial Medal from the Château Ramezay Museum, also in 2016. His many lecture topics include social history, sciences, and music (he owns and plays some 250 different musical instruments).