Samuel Gaudreau-Lalande is an art historian whose research and curatorial practice focus on regional photography, Canadian art and material culture. He is currently director-curator of the Colby-Curtis Museum. He holds master and bachelor degrees in art history from Université du Québec à Montréal and pursues a PhD in art history at Concordia University, where he was a Jarislowsky Foundation Doctoral Fellow. His doctoral research investigates the immense photographic production of the Service de cinéphotographie du Québec, a forgotten provincial government agency who produced some 150 000 pictures between 1940 and 1961. His recent curatorial projects include Bêtes et Bestiaire - Animals from the Colby-Curtis collection (Colby-Curtis Museum, 2020), River Crossings. An Aesthetic exploration of covered bridges photographs (Colby-Curtis Museum, 2019) and St-Francis and its affluents (Colby-Curtis Museum, 2019). His texts have been published in Ciel Variable magazine and forthcoming in the Journal of Canadian Art History. He sits on various boards and committees, notably the Commission du patrimoine et de la muséologie de l'Estrie and Tourisme Memphrémagog.