Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network

QAHN's 2020 Heritage Talks series got under way yesterday evening at Kensington Presbyterian Church Hall in NDG, with a talk by

Seen here (l to r): Rachel Hunting (Townshippers' Association); Marion Greenlay (The Townships Sun / QAHN); Big Ears (building

As of today (December 6, 2019), QAHN is no longer at the crumbling Marguerite Knapp Building at 257 Queen in Sherbrooke We have

Remembering Black Little Burgundy

pic.black_.eng_.png--October 30, 2019.

Montreal’s traditional Black community would have called the area “St. Antoine” but it is now known as “Little Burgundy.”

The community’s history can be explored through the plaques, panels and murals commemorating Black achievement and the parks dedicated to celebrated figures.

The tour begins at Lionel Groulx metro station and ends at Georges Vanier metro station...