Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine

Boy and dog cart, Cape Gaspé, 1948. Photo - Verle F. Brower / courtesy of Bill Bojanowski.

Lighthouse at La Martre, 1948. Photo - Verle F. Brower / courtesy of Bill Bojanowski.

Cod fishermen, Cape Gaspé, 1948. Photo - Verle F. Brower / courtesy of Bill Bojanowski...

Carte postale, vers les années 1950. (Collection privée) / Postcard, c.1950s. (Private collection)

Ancienne carte postale, vers les années 1930. (Collection privée) / Early postcard, c.1930s. (Private collection)

Carte postale, vers 1910. (Collection privée) / Early postcard, c.1910. (Private collection)

Carte postale, peinte à la main, vers 1910. (Collection privée) / Postcard, hand-painted, c.1910. (Private collection)

The City of Gaspé

Historic and cultural town

Gaspé - Gespeg: a Micmac word meaning "land's end". More than 15 000 people are living on its territory that extends over 1 440 km2 and 130 km of coastline.

In 1534, the navigator Jacques Cartier from Saint-Malo, then on his first voyage to North America, found a safe harbour in Gaspé Bay. There, he erected a cross by way of taking possession of the territory on behalf of François 1er, King of France. That is why Gaspé is called the "Birthplace of Canada".

Métis Lodge, c.1950. Old photographic postcard. Image submitted by Douglas Bisson whose family used to own this lodge.