Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine

"My Gift to You Is Remembrance": My Gaspesian Roots

My Gaspesian roots come from my great grandmother Melvina Chedore Maskrey. She was born in 1865 at L'Anse Au Gascon to Alexander Chedore and Maria Flowers. I had never known anything about my Gaspesian roots until 1985 and I didn’t even know where the Gaspe was in Canada. I started doing genealogy twenty-seven years ago before the birth of my own child. Even though I never met my great grandmother I am proud to say that she had a connection to the Gaspe and I have met many wonderful people and I was able to visit that region of Canada.

Gaspé Quiz #14: Geography

1. What two rivers meet at Matapedia near the head of Chaleur Bay?

2. Where did the first two permanent settlers in the Gaspé Bay area live?

3. What 3 rivers flow into Gaspé Bay?

4. What is the name of the town where Charles Robin first established his company headquarters?

5. What did the entire area surrounding New Carlisle become referred to legally?

6. Where was a Provincial Marine Biological Station and Fisheries School opened in 1948?

7. How long is the Cascapedia River?