Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine

Little Chief of the Gaspé

Image removed.A book for young readers, Little Chief of the Gaspé is the story of eleven-year-old Jacques Cartier LeGrand and “Little Chief” which was given to one of Jacques ancestors by an Indigenous chief as a gift of friendship, passed on from father to son throughout the years. The figurine came to Jacques at a time when Jacques’ father had been lost in a storm at sea.


Image removed.An informative booklet on the Mi’kmaq community of Gesgapegiag was created following a concentrated two-week effort by four teachers at the Wejgwapniag School in Gesgapegiag. Ramona Jerome, John Martin, Gertrude Martin and Roger Martin demonstrate the pride and history of Gesgapegiag in this collection of articles.

Gaspé the Romantique

Image removed.Writing in 1936, Olive Willett Smith, a Gaspé native, began her travel book Gaspé the Romantique this way: "In summer, as the thermometer hovers in the nineties and the humidity tags along, go to the Northland; to Gaspé, that eastern arm of the Province of Quebec stretching out into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, where the air is like champagne."

The Gaspé, Including an Account of L'Île Percée, the Finial of the St. Lawrence: Being a Blend of Reveries & Realities, History & Science, Description

Image removed.The Gaspé, Including an Account of L'Île Percée, by John M. Clarke,examines the history, customs and geology of the region, at a time when a new road running down the south shore of the St. Lawrence River was opening the area to tourism.