Gaspesian Heritage WebMagazine

Trivia Quiz: Murdochville: the Turbulent Past of a Young Mining Town (Answers)

--March 21, 2019.

1. B. Copper

2. A. York River

3. A. The first president of the Noranda Mining Company. The former miners’ camp was named after him and was known simply as Murdoch.

4. B. 1,000. 300 houses were built to accommodate these miners between 1952 and 1953.

5. D. The charter required the mayor and all municipal councillors of Murdochville to be able to speak English.

Ancienne carte postale, vers 1915. Collection privée. / Early postcard, c.1915. Private collection.

Carte postale photographique, 1908. Collection privée. / Photographic postcard, 1908. Private collection.

Ancienne carte postale photographique, 1907. Collection privée. / Early photographic postcard, 1907. Private collection.

Ancienne carte postale photographique, vers 1910. Collection privée. / Early photographic postcard, c.1910.

Ancienne carte postale photographique, vers 1910. Collection privée. / Early photographic postcard, c.1910.