Laurentian Heritage WebMagazine


Laurentian Heritage WebMagazine welcomes the submission of articles and photographs. If you have an article or photo for publication on a subject that is relevant to the heritage or history of the Laurentians, you are invited to submit it to the email address below.

  1. Written submissions should not exceed 1,000 words -- unless a previous arrangement has been made with the editor.
  2. Written submissions must include the author's name.
  3. Written submissions may be made in either English or French.

About Laurentian Heritage WebMagazine

Laurentian Heritage WebMagazine is an initiative of the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN). As part of QAHN’s broader “heritage portal” -- Quebec Heritage WebMagazine -- Laurentian Heritage WebMagazine has been designed to serve as a window on the history of the Laurentians, a guide to the region's heritage, past and present, and as a way to encourage people of all ages to visit the region in person.


Image removed.Sir Wilfrid Laurier, one of Canada's most illustrious Prime Ministers was born in the village of Saint-Lin in the Laurentians in 1841. Laurier studied law at McGill University where he received his degree in 1864. The young lawyer practiced in Montreal for a few years, but soon moved to the Eastern Townships, where he served as editor of a small newspaper in L’Avenir.

No Longer Worth a Thousand Words – Our Pictures Not So Perfect

The young boy was standing in front of a small wooden table on which laid a birthday cake with four lit candles. You could see the gleam in the little guy’s face, and his underlying smile of knowing that this was his day to be celebrated, and his day alone. Dressed in a clean white shirt, dark slacks, and a clip-on bow tie, we could sense what he was thinking as he continued his bright-eyed stare into the candles. We could almost feel his wonder at what other miracles life would bring, and that this birthday was certainly one of them.

West Laurentians Heritage Trail

Trail cover
This heritage trail leads to historic settlements and pioneer landmarks between the Ottawa River and the Laurentian highlands.

American settlers founded a colony where the North River joins the Ottawa in about 1785. British homesteaders later put ashore here and walked north to land grants where today we find the communities of Lachute, Harrington, Lakefied, Morin Heights and Arundel.

Cemetery Heritage in Quebec

larger_dl.10191.jpgThe publication, Cemetery Heritage in Quebec: A Handbook , is still available. The book, published by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network in 2008, and written by Matthew Farfan, project leader of QAHN's Cemetery Heritage Inventory and Restoration Initiative (CHIRI), is available in softcover format.