Welcome to Townships Heritage WebMagazine!

Townships Heritage WebMagazine is designed to provide a window on to Eastern Townships history, serve as a guide to our region's heritage, past and present, and encourage people of all ages to visit the Townships in person. Developed over three years by Townshippers' Association and funded jointly by Canada Economic Development and Canadian Heritage, with additional support from a number of foundations, Townships Heritage WebMagazine is now maintained by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN) as part of QAHN's Quebec Heritage Web Internet Portal.

Matthew Farfan
[email protected]

Circuit Tours Section: Map courtesy of Tourisme Cantons-de-l'Est.
All other illustrations: Credited individually.

President, QAHN:
Grant Myers

Executive Director, QAHN:
Matthew Farfan

Primary Funding:
This project would not have been possible without the generous financial support of:
Canada Economic Development
Canadian Heritage


Copyright 2001-2020.
QAHN, 3355, College, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, J1M 0B8
Telephone: (819) 564-9595 / Toll free: 1-877-964-0409.
Fax: (819) 564-6872
Email: [email protected]