Townships Photo Trivia #2: Name That Town!

Matthew Farfan
Name That Town!

--November 11, 2016.

larger_001_0.jpg1) This early postcard, c.1910, shows a scene overlooking what village on what lake?
a) North Hatley, Lake Massawippi
b) Lac-Mégantic, Lake Megantic
c) Georgeville, Lake Memphremagog
d) Ayer's Cliff, Lake Massawippi

2) This aerial view, c.1940, shows what village and lake?
a) Magog, Lake Memphremagog
b) Eastman, Lake Orford
c) Georgeville, Lake Memphremagog
d) North Hatley, Lake Massawippi

3) This photograph from 1910 is taken just up the street from the village "Common" or "Green." But where?
a) Knowlton
b) Hatley
c) Mansonville
d) Eastman

4) This village, seen here c.1930, was settled by French-Canadians repatriated from New England in the 1870s. Mount Megantic is visible in this photo. But what village is it?
a) La Patrie
b) Sainte-Edwidge-de-Clifton
c) Saint-Herménégilde
d) Saint-Venant-de-Paquette

5) This village is known for its 12-sides barn, seen here on the left. Name it.
a) Milby
b) Mystic
c) Megantic
d) Melbourne

6) This building, seen here c.1905, is still standing today. Built as a hotel in 1865, it housed the Odd Fellows hall on the upper floor. Name the town.
a) Bedford
b) Dunham
c) Stanbridge East
d) Frelighsburg

7) The Eastern Townships Bank, which was swallowed up by the Bank of Commerce in 1912, built branches all over the Townships. This branch is still standing today (minus the dome). What town is it in?
a) Rock Island
b) Farnham
c) Coaticook
d) No idea, that could be anywhere!

8) This view, taken in the 1860s, shows Commercial (later Dufferin) Street from the Magog Bridge. What town is it?
a) Omerville
b) Magog
c) Sherbrooke
d) Rock Forest

9) The town in this photo was a major lumber producer and was settled largely by Scottish immigrants. Name it.
a) Stornoway
b) Scotstown
c) Sawyerville
d) Gould

10) This town, seen here c.1920, was settled by Loyalists in the 1790s. Can you name it? Hint: a major ski resort is nearby.
a) Sutton
b) Orford
c) Bromont
d) Mansonville

All photos courtesy of the Matthew Farfan Collection.

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