Townships Trivia: Place Names (Answers)

Matthew Farfan

1. b) Piopolis, on the western shore of Lake Megantic. A number of Papal Zouaves were among the first settlers in this area. The Zouaves were Catholic soldiers recruited to defend Rome and Pope Pius IX (1846-1878) against the armies of Garibaldi.
2. c) An old slave burial ground near Saint-Armand, the site of a once sizeable black community. The name "Nigger Rock" is officially recognized by the Quebec Toponymy Commission.
3. c) Frelighsburg. The term "Slab City" is said to have come from the large quantities of "slabs" of wood found in the village.
4. c) Lake Memphremagog.
5. b) There is no such township as Chatham.
6. a) Ireland. Some of the first pioneers of this township were Irish.
7. a) The Bolton Pass, which links Brome Lake and Knowlton with South Bolton.
8. a) An Abenaki word of obscure origin.
9. b) Disraeli, which is named after Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Great Britain (1867-1868; 1874-1880).
10. c) There is no such place as Sainte-Cacophonie-de-Frontenac