Townships Trivia: Sherbrooke #1

Matthew Farfan

1) What was the Abenaki name for the place later known as Sherbrooke?
a) Ktinékétolékouac (meaning "big forks")
b) Ktouchibouguic (meaning "big place")
c) Ktiketkineketouakic (meaning "big place to party")

2) In whose honour is Bishop's University in Lennoxville named?
a) Billy Bishop, the famous World War I fighting ace
b) George J. Mountain, the 3rd Anglican Bishop of Quebec
c) John J. Bishop, a pioneer educator

3) What magnificent building, now Sherbrooke City Hall, was inaugurated in 1904?
a) The Eastern Townships Bank Head Office
b) The Court House
c) The Grand Trunk Railway building

4) What was the "Lone Pine"?
a) An ancient solitary pine tree that grew on a teeny-weeny island in the St. Francis River
b) The country home of Jean Charest's great-grandfather
c) An Abenaki chief

5) Which of the following rivers does NOT flow through Greater Sherbrooke?
a) The Magog River
b) The Masawippi River
c) The Tomifobia River

6) Rock Forest residents, now residents of greater Sherbrooke, are known as:
a) Les Forestiers
b) Les Forestois
c) Les Rockettes

7) Which of the following NHL hockey players (past or present) was NOT born in Sherbrooke?
a) J.-C. Tremblay
b) Reggie Lemelin
c) Yanic Perreault

8) Place the following institutions in the order of the date they were founded:
Orchestre symphonique de Sherbrooke; Université de Sherbrooke; La Tribune.
a) La Tribune; Orchestre symphonique de Sherbrooke; Université de Sherbrooke
b) Université de Sherbrooke; La Tribune; Orchestre symphonique de Sherbrooke
c) Orchestre symphonique de Sherbrooke; La Tribune; Université de Sherbrooke

9) Who was Alexander Galt?
a) The first mayor of Lennoxville
b) A politician and railway promoter
c) A convicted counterfeiter

10) The first mills in the Sherbrooke area were built by whom?
a) George Ascott
b) Gilbert Hyatt
c) Abraham Channell

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