Townships Trivia: Legends and Lore (Answers)

Matthew Farfan

1. a) The idea that round barns were built that way to prevent the devil from hiding in the corners has long been associated with the Shakers of New England. Round barns in the Townships, however, were built purely for practical reasons. Greater ease in feeding and cleaning the cattle, better light, and aerodynamics all played a part.

2. b) According to tradition, the mountain is named after Owl, a local Abenaki chief.

3. c) Memphré. Named after Lake Memphremagog, sightings of the legendary beast date back nearly two centuries.

4. b) In retaliation for Abenaki aid to the French, Major Rogers and his 200 Rangers sacked and burned the village of Odanak in 1759, killing many people. The Abenakis subsequently tracked and killed most of the soldiers on their hurried flight back to New England.

5. c) The line separating Canada from the U.S. in the Eastern Townships was supposed to be the 45th parallel. The line that was actually surveyed is a zigzag, and the entire width of the Eastern Townships lies north of the 45th parallel. The boundary never comes closer than half a kilometer to its intended target; near Frelighsburg, it lies two kilometres north of the 45th.

6. c) Covered bridges, of which the Townships boast many, were a popular spot for smooching.

7. b) Coaticook. There are several theories about the meaning of this Abenaki word. Among the most plausible translations are "river of the land of pines" or more simply "river of pines." There are other possibilities, totally different.

8. c) An early nickname for the motor car. The first horseless carriage built in Canada was the creation of Townshipper Henry Seth Taylor of Stanstead, Quebec.

9. b) The Indian Stream Republic, declared on July 9, 1832, lasted for four years. With a population of about a hundred, the Republic drafted its own constitution and bill of rights, and set up its own legislature and law courts. The first President was a man by the name of Luther Parker.

10. b) Stephen Burroughs (sometimes spelled "Boroughs"), who built saw and grist mills at what was later called Burrough's Falls, was arrested by Captain Charles Kilborn of the local militia.