Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network

Montreal's Black Rock Site to Get Proper Memorial

Victor Boyle is a director with the Montreal Irish Memorial Park Foundation. (Matt D'Amours/CBC)

--March 6, 2019.

Hydro-Québec leaving space for memorial at site of mass grave of Irish refugees

larger_victor_0.jpgIrish Montrealer Victor Boyle is looking forward to having a "little piece of Ireland here in Canada" after Hydro-Québec announced what it will do for a commemorative space at the Black Rock site.

QAHN co-sponsored a trivia nite, organized by the organization Youth 4 Youth, last week at the Golden Lion Pub in Lennoxville.

QAHN's featured speaker at this week's Heritage Talks conference was Louis Rastelli of Archives Montreal who gave a spirited ta

Despite hellish Montreal weather, QAHN kicked off its 2019 Heritage Talks Series with a conference at the BCRC by Dorothy Willi