Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network

This holiday tradition is held each year in partnership with Townshippers' Association and the Townships Sun, with financial su

This holiday tradition is held each year in partnership with Townshippers' Association and the Townships Sun, with financial su

Joyeuses fêtes! (et prenez note svp de nos horaires des fêtes)

Joyeuses fêtes! (et prenez note svp de nos horaires des fêtes)


Au nom de nous tous, j'aimerais vous souhaiter, à vous et à tous ceux qui vous sont chers, de Joyeuses Fêtes, et une heureuse année 2019!

SVP de prendre en note que nos bureaux seront fermés du 22 décembre jusqu'au 4 janvier 2019.

Matthew Farfan
Directeur exécutif

Ancienne carte postale photographique, 1907. Collection privée. / Early photographic postcard, 1907. Private collection.

Celebrating William Notman’s artistic legacy at the Canadian Museum of History

--November 22, 2018.

On November 23, the Canadian Museum of History opens an exhibition inviting visitors into the world of pioneering 19th-century Canadian photographer William Notman. His achievements as a bold businessman, networker, artist and builder have left a legacy that remains impressive today. Discover the fascinating story of the man behind the camera and explore his work in Notman, Visionary Photographer.