Local History

Muriel Ball-Duckworth (1908-2009)

medium_duckworth.jpgOn Saturday, August 22, 2009, at La Providence Hospital in Magog, Muriel Ball Duckworth, died peacefully, at the age of 100, surrounded by her children. Mrs. Duckworth had fallen and broken her leg shortly after arriving in Austin for her annual summer visit. She was a descendent of Nicholas and Phebe Austin, the founder of Bolton Township.

The Public Clock

medium_st-imier.jpgEUROPEAN TRADITION
Europeans have always been fond of public clocks. One has only to visit the downtown of almost any major city, town, or village, to see the timepieces, often beautiful and elaborate, that grace all manner of public buildings. Some of these clocks date back to the Middle Ages and are now famous tourist attractions.

Bromptonville of Old

medium_brompton.1.jpgAs of January 2002, the independent municipality of Bromptonville (formerly Brompton Falls) became Brompton, District #1 of the City of Sherbrooke. Bromptonville has joined other area towns as "boroughs" of Greater Sherbrooke. Lennoxville, Rock Forest, Fleurimont, Deauville, Saint-Élie-d'Orford, Stoke, and Ascot have all gone the same way.

The Old Bethany Schoolhouse

medium_bethany.1.jpgRemnants of our past are everywhere. The same is true of our early one-room schoolhouses. Many of these unpretentious little buildings are still visible at crossroads throughout the Townships, testifying to an era when the neighbourhood schoolhouse was the place to send one's children.