Local History

The Bombardier Dream

medium_bombardier.family.jpgThe year was 1942. A village mechanic awoke from a vivid dream, a dream that would eventually have international repercussions. It has now been more than half a century since Joseph-Armand Bombardier realized his dream and patented the first tracked vehicle, the B7, and formed L'Auto-Neige Bombardier Limitée.

Knowlton's World War I Biplane

medium_knowlton.museum.fokker.jpgLike most kids, when I was growing up, I enjoyed reading Peanuts, especially the adventures of Snoopy and the Red Baron, which were based on the German fighter ace Manfred von Richthofen and his World War I exploits. It's funny how something from your childhood you had forgotten can suddenly come back to life.

Dufferin Heights

larger_img_2985.jpgIt's rare that a golf course attracts visitors just for the view. Dufferin Heights Country Club, at 1500 feet (457 metres), is one such course. Indeed, Dufferin Heights is considered one of the most beautiful golf courses "found anywhere,"(1) and one of the jewels of the Eastern Townships.

Les Maheu à Paquetteville

medium_maheu.jpgCet article, veut souligner le fait que Paquetteville est toujours présent dans nos pensées. Nous ne passons pas une semaine sans mentionner ce petit village et ses habitants, dans nos nombreux courriels sur Internet. Nous nous sommes appropriés ce territoire dès notre tendre enfance et il fera parti de nous, à tout jamais.

Potton Springs Revisited

medium_pottonsprings.jpgThe people of Potton certainly remember Potton Springs, named after the three little sulphur springs that made the place famous for over a hundred years. According to legend, Nathan Banfill, age 14, discovered the springs while out working in a field at the base of Pevee Mountain.