Townships Heritage WebMagazine

Potton Springs

medium_pottonsprings.2.jpgBâti en 1875, le Potton Springs Hotel et ses célèbres sources sulfureuses attireront des milliers de visiteurs en provenance de l’est de l’Amérique du Nord. Les curistes arrivaient par train – le Missisquoi and Black Rivers Valley Railway qui deviendra ensuite l’Orford Mountain Railway et, finalement, le Canadien Pacifique.

Maple Syrup

medium_syrup.jpgCanada is often called the land of the maple. Indeed, the maple leaf is our national emblem. The Eastern Townships is one of the areas in Canada best suited for maple syrup production. In fact, over half of the North American crop was, and still is, produced in the Province of Quebec.

Butter and Cream

medium_cow.jpgCows were milked in the morning and evening. Before the advent of electricity and milking machines, the chore had to be done by hand. It took about an hour for two or three people to milk twenty cows.

Wood Cutting

medium_wood.jpgDuring the winter, when the ground was frozen and covered with snow, the men and boys of the farm would take their axes and cross cut saws and drive their teams of horses into the woods. Since the foliage was all gone, the underbrush was not thick, so the teams could move about with relative ease in the forest.

Apple Growing

Apples have been cultivated for the past four thousand years. They were introduced to North America from Europe by the early colonists in both New England and Canada. It has been recorded that the first apples in North America were grown in Acadia in 1635.

Haying Time

medium_haying.1.jpgA good hay crop was vital for the survival of any farm. It was hay that fed the animals over the long winter, when the fields were covered in a deep layer of snow.