Townships Heritage WebMagazine

Cemeteries of Austin

larger_acc.2_0.jpgA new publication, titled (in English) Cemeteries of Austin, is now available. Produced in pamphlet format, this 20-page fold-out brochure was researched and written by local historians Serge Wagner and Maurice Langlois, and was published in 2008 by the Austin Cultural Committee.

Cemetery Heritage in Quebec

larger_dl.10191.jpgThe publication, Cemetery Heritage in Quebec: A Handbook , is still available. The book, published by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network in 2008, and written by Matthew Farfan, project leader of QAHN's Cemetery Heritage Inventory and Restoration Initiative (CHIRI), is available in softcover format.

Missisquoi’s Mercantile Past: As Seen through Consumer Goods and Ledgers at the Missisquoi Museum

Business account books or ledgers from the 19th and early twentieth centuries are a valuable resource for the study of rural history. Historians have used account books to reveal their subjects’ community through the markets they operated in, the people they dealt with, and the goods they produced and consumed. The time that went into creating these ledgers reveals the importance of the daily relationships they recorded.

Potton Springs

pottonsprings.2.jpgBâti en 1875, le Potton Springs Hotel et ses célèbres sources sulfureuses attireront des milliers de visiteurs en provenance de l’est de l’Amérique du Nord. Les curistes arrivaient par train – le Missisquoi and Black Rivers Valley Railway qui deviendra ensuite l’Orford Mountain Railway et, finalement, le Canadien Pacifique.

Une nouvelle vie : le peuplement des Cantons de l’Est

En 1783, la fin de la Révolution américaine in 1783 apportera de nombreux changements au Québec. Le Traité de Paris négocié entre les États-Unis et la Grande-Bretagne établit la frontière de la République nouvellement formée avec le Québec; au sud, ce sera le 45ème parallèle, en direction est, l’ensemble des terres. En plus de cette entente frontalière précise, près de 10 000 personnes choisiront d’immigrer au Canada, marquant ainsi leur loyauté envers la Couronne Britannique.

The Rebellion Comes to Missisquoi

The rise of the Patriote movement in the 1820s and 1830s was a crucial turning point in Quebec’s history. For Louis Joseph Papineau, the eloquent spokesman of the Parti Canadien who led the resistance to the unification of the Canadas, Lower Canada was a distinct and important territory to be preserved as a French and Roman Catholic home for its inhabitants.