May 09, 2023
Apr 17, 2023
QAHN’s Scandal Maker’s 3:
The Seigneuress"
The gravestone of Adelaide Gugy represents a much larger story about the wealthy Swiss Protestant Gugy family who settled in Trois-Rivières, QC., in the 18th century. The tale includes upper-class gentility, a scandalous love affair and slavery. Host Julie Miller recounts the stories of Barthélemy and Conrad Gugy, Elizabeth Wilkinson, and Rebecca and Peggy from St. James Cemetery, also known as the Old Protestant Cemetery, in Trois-Rivières, Quebec.
Apr 05, 2023
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Apr 03, 2023
--April 3, 2023.
Annie Hyland, perhaps better known to many as Sister Saint-Patrice (1873-1939), chose a life of duty and service with the Grey Nuns in Nicolet in 1893.
Serving as a music teacher and later a nurse at Saint Mary’s Residential School in Cardston, Alberta, located on the Blood Nation of the Blackfoot Confederacy, Annie’s story is connected to the shameful history and legacy of Canada’s residential school system. Host Julie Miller tells the poignant and difficult story about Annie Hyland from the Cimetière des Soeurs grises, in Nicolet, Quebec.
Mar 21, 2023
Leger-Jean-Baptiste-Noël Veyssière (1728-1800) was a Récollet priest who converted to Protestantism. A scandalous act indeed! Unable to speak English coherently, Veyssière began his ministry to a congregation largely composed of English-speaking soldiers. Hosts Julie Miller and François Roy tell a funny story on the site that used to be the first Protestant cemetery and the final resting place of this unusual man in Trois-Rivières, Quebec.
You can see The Convert, and other short docs in our Scandal Makers series, on QAHN’s YouTube channel!
Jan 10, 2023
January 10, 2023.
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Dec 07, 2022
Bélanger-Gardner Fund
Application deadline March 13, 2023
Oct 03, 2022
The third in the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network's ongoing series of "Heritage Live" hybrid events took place on Sunday at the Colby-Curtis Museum in Stanstead. The event was combined with the 6th annual Eastern Townships Heritage Fair, featuring kiosks by the Lac-Brome Museum, LAHMS, the Eastern Townships Resource Centre, the Bury Historical and Heritage Society, the Georgeville Historical Society, and QAHN.