Townships Heritage WebMagazine

Architectural Styles in Eaton Corner

Eaton Corner is one of the oldest settlements in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Settlement began in the 1790s. Both Loyalists and Patriots from the United States were the first non-native settlers in the Townships. They had been each other's enemies a few years before, but in the Townships they prospered together.

Eaton Corner and its surrounding countryside have remained essentially unchanged for over a hundred and fifty years. All but two of the village's thirty buildings were constructed in the 1800s. Four of them have been classified as historic sites.

Concours annuel d’essais sur l’histoire locale

Chaque année, le RPAQ invite les écoliers fréquentant les écoles primaires de langue anglaise à participer à son Concours annuel d’essais sur l’histoire locale. Le RPAQ offre aux jeunes écrivains du niveau primaire (4ème, 5ème et 6ème) des prix en argent à gagner pour la meilleure histoire vraie de gens, événements ou traditions remarquables venant du passé du Québec. Le délai pour la soumission des essais est le dernier jour ouvrable du mois d’avril, à 17h00.

Voici quelques idées pour vous aider :