Townships Heritage WebMagazine

The First Roads

medium_roads.jpgThe first settlers found no roads. They came to a land of virgin forest. They had to blaze their own trails, and find their way around swamps and over streams. They travelled in winter from New England, because snowshoes and a laden sled required a narrower path than an ox cart, and because they could save time by travelling over frozen lakes and rivers.

Vie de pionnier - maréchal-ferrant

blacksmith.1.jpgLe maréchal-ferrant était l'un des hommes les plus importants qui pouvait arriver dans un village de pionniers. Le terme anglais pour maréchal-ferrant, blacksmith, provient de black, métal noir, et de smite, frapper fort. Le maréchal-ferrant rendait de nombreux services essentiels dans une communauté, le premier étant de garder les sabots des chevaux en bonne condition.