Local History

Trivia Quiz: Murdochville: the Turbulent Past of a Young Mining Town

--March 20, 2019.

1. What mineral, discovered 20 kilometres from the Gaspésie littoral in 1909 led to the founding of Murdochville, one of Quebec’s youngest municipalities?
a. Bronze
b. Copper
c. Nickel
d. Gold

2. In what river were traces of this mineral fist discovered by Alfred Miller?
a. York river
b. Dartmouth River
c. Saint-Jean River
d. All of the above
e. Both a and c

Victoria Golf Club and Golf at Hotel Victoria, Aylmer, 1899-1915


By the late 1890s, prominent Ottawa lumberman Frederick Wells Avery had become a member of the Ottawa Golf Club (the area’s first golf club, which was founded in 1891), and he had also recently discovered the pleasures of summer resort life in Aylmer, which was beginning to boom as a resort patronized by well-to-do Ottawa residents who wished to escape the city’s frequently hot, humid weather from June to August.

Le township de Rawdon 1795-1850

--le 17 juillet 2022.

L’histoire du township de Rawdon à son commencement raconte les circonstances historiques ayant menées à la révolte des Patriotes Canadiens en 1837-1838. Dans les 92 résolutions présentées par les Patriotes beaucoup concernaient l’ouverture de nouvelles terres à la colonisation dans les cantons ou townships puisque la vallée du St-Laurent devenait surpeuplée.
Les premiers lots attribués

Golf Courses of the Gatineau Valley, 1903-1933

--November 26, 2021.

The cover photograph for this book, Gatineau Valley Golf Courses, 1903 – 1933, shows Anson Green about to strike a tee shot at the Larrimac Golf Club in 1930, seven years after the first golf shot was struck on these golf grounds. It turns out that today the golf course of the Larrimac Golf and Tennis Club is the last survivor of at least sixteen golf courses laid out in the Gatineau Valley between 1903 and 1933.

There were four different golf courses laid out at Kingsmere between 1903 and the 1920s.

Trivia Quiz: Murdochville: the Turbulent Past of a Young Mining Town (Answers)

--March 21, 2019.

1. B. Copper

2. A. York River

3. A. The first president of the Noranda Mining Company. The former miners’ camp was named after him and was known simply as Murdoch.

4. B. 1,000. 300 houses were built to accommodate these miners between 1952 and 1953.

5. D. The charter required the mayor and all municipal councillors of Murdochville to be able to speak English.

Trivia Quiz: Saint-Jovite: At the Foot of the Mountain (Answers)

--March 18, 2019.

1. A. There had been a forest fire in the township in 1870. The fire cleared a good amount of undulating land creating an ideal spot on which to construct the Saint-Jovite mission.

2. D. All of the above.

3. C. 8%.

4. B. Paper.

5. A. P’tit Train du Nord.

6. D. Île d’Orléans.

7. A. The clearing of lands and the burning of the debris.

Trivia Quiz: Saint-Jovite: At the Foot of the Mountain

--March 13, 2019.

st.jovite_0.jpg1. Why was the area in which Curé Samuel Ouimet built the Saint-Jovite mission in 1879 known as “Grand-Brûlé” (big burn)?
a. There had been a forest fire in the township in 1870
b. It was named in honour of Étienne-Brûlé
c. In 1877, a local logging yard caught fire and the flames reached up to 20 metres high
d. The area was named after the intention of the mission: to incinerate satanic spirits

Trivia Quiz: The Papineau Family and the “Petite Nation” Seigneurie (Answers)

--February 21, 2019.

1. c. His sister in law, the wife of Denis-Benjamin Papineau. Her name was Angélique-Louise Cornud, and she had donated land on which the parish church and rectory were built.

2. a. Denis-Benjamin Papineau. Though it was his father who had originally purchased the “Petite Nation” seigneurie, Denis-Benjamin Papineau administered the region from 1808 to 1845. He would go on to become the joint Premier of the Province of Canada for Canada East from 1846 to 1848.