Local History

Trivia Quiz: Early Settlement and Religion in the Eastern Townships (Answers)

--February 13, 2019.

1. b. Pearl ash from the hardwood forests. Beef and dairy products would later become the main agricultural goods produced in the area.

2. b. American squatters. The Abenakis had hunted the land long before but had not settled permanently. Before 1791, the land had not been parcelled out to British or French-Canadian settlers.

3. d. St. Francis River.

4. b. It would remain an empty buffer zone between the United States and Lower Canada.

5. c. Those who owned the land had no interest in settling it.

Trivia Quiz: Early Settlement and Religion in the Eastern Townships

--February 12, 2019.

1. What was the very first form of agricultural produce that the early Townships colonists profited from?
a. Squash fields abandoned by members of the Abenaki nation
b. Pearl ash from the hardwood forests
c. Grains (flax, wheat, barley)
d. Beef and dairy products

2. Which group first permanently settled the Eastern Townships region?
a. Loyalists
b. American squatters
c. The Abenaki nation
d. Retired government officials

Trivia Quiz: Mount Royal Park, Mount Royal Model City and Surrounding Area (Answers)

--February 4, 2019.

c. Canadian Northern Railway (CNoR). This company built the Mount Royal tunnel in 1912 and would merge with the Canadian National Railway (CN) in 1923 in large part due to this cost of this project.

d. All of the above

d. All of the above

a. The Quiet Revolution. At this stage in Quebec’s history, some Francophones began to move into wealthier urban communities such as Mount Royal that had traditionally been anglophone dominated.

La chute, New Glasgow. Ancienne carte postale, vers 1910. Collection privée. / The Falls, New Glasgow. Early postcard, c.1910.

Ancienne carte postale photographique, postée en 1920. Collection privée. / Early photographic postcard, mailed in 1920.