The snowmobile taxis / school buses that roamed Morin Heights village streets and roads in the 1940s and 1950s "must have been the most unusual vehicles to ever trek through the snow," as Sandra Stock described them.
One of the most striking features of the architecture at Echo Lake is the large number of round log houses. These were built between 1935 and 1955, initially by George Binns and other members of the Binns family. Round log style was also used by Binns at the Green Acres area on the other side of the village, off what is now Route 239 to Lachute.
Founded in Charleston (Hatley Village) in 1835, by a number of prominent Sherbrooke businessmen, including Samuel Brooks, C. F. H. Goodhue, Otis King, and others, the Stanstead and Sherbrooke Fire Insurance Company operated successfully for over a century and a half, making it one of the longest-running Eastern Townships companies.
The Young Men's Christian Association, or YMCA, was founded in London, England, in 1844, to provide assistance to young workers during the Industrial Revolution. Seven years later, in 1851, the very first branch of the "Y" was established in North America -- in Montreal.
The column seen to the right, known as Boaz, stands outside the main entrance of the Montreal Masonic Memorial Temple, home of the Grand Lodge of Quebec. At the top of the column is a terrestrial globe. Opposite Boaz on the other side of the entrance is Jachin, a column surmounted by a celestial globe.
La Roche Percé, "the pierced rock," stands bold and firm to the end, though the cliffs of Mont Joli, on the mainland, and of Bonaventure Island, two miles out a sea, confirm the Indigenous tradition given by Denys that once there was no break in these perpendicular walls of rich-hued conglomerate, where the reds and browns of sandstone, the bright oli
Culture - Val-David Historical and Heritage Society
Founded in 1828, Canada’s oldest lending library, the Atwater Library and Computer Centre (ALCC) is celebrating 180 years of service to Montrealers, and it is marking the milestone anniversary in a number of ways.
The Notman Studios of Montreal were famous for their magnificent composite photographs.
Many of these images, most of which were originally produced between the 1870s and the 1890s, were later published as postcards and sold as tourist souvenirs during the early years of the twentieth century.
On Thursday October 7, 1875, the readers of the Stanstead Journal read the following notice :
"DEATHS: Way -- At Way’s Mills, Q., Sept 22d, Daniel Way in the 83rd year of his age."
1) What is the former name of Magog?
a) Cherry River
b) The Outlet
c) Magog Mills
2) Which of the following is Magog’s oldest house?
a) The Bowen House
b) The Merry House
c) The Moore House
3) The outlet of Lake Memphremagog, located in Magog, is which of these rivers?
a) Cherry River
b) Magog River
c) Tomifobia River
4) Who was the first mayor of the village of Magog?
a) Alvin Moore
b) Erasmus Smith
c) L. A. Audet
1) b); 2) b) The Merry House, recently acquired by the city, was built in 1821; 3) b); 4) a); 5) b); 6) a); 7) c); 8) c); 9) b) This church was built as the Union Church in 1830; 10) a) The Park House was built by Horace Park in 1865, and destroyed by fire in 1905.
1) Which of the following is NOT a borough of the City of Sherbrooke?
a) Fleurimont
b) Waterville
c) Rock Forest
2) In which Sherbrooke borough may be found Uplands Heritage and Cultural Centre?
a) Vieux Sherbrooke
b) Lennoxville
c) Brompton
3) Which of the following was a former name of Sherbrooke?
a) Little Forks
b) Little Hyatt
c) Hyatt’s Mills
4) After whom is Sherbrooke named?
a) Sir John Coape Sherbrooke
b) Lord Dufferin of Sherbrooke
c) Lord Sherbrooke of Dufferin
1) b (originally Waterville was scheduled to be a part of Greater Sherbrooke, but plans were changed following protests from Waterville).
2) b.
3) c (Big Forks was another former name).
4) a.
5) a.
6) b (the Grand Trunk was based in Montreal and there was no such thing as the Sherbrooke Railroad and Telegraph Company).
7) c (there was no such railway).
8) b.
9) c.
10) b.
1) What is the former name of the town of Magog?
a) Magog Crossing
b) The Outlet
c) Cherry River
d) Merry's Corners
e) Saint-Patrice-de-Memphré
2) Which of the following municipalities does NOT border Lake Memphremagog?
a) Ogden
b) Bolton-Est
c) Austin
d) Saint-Benoît-du-Lac
e) Fitch Bay
b) The Outlet.
e) Fitch Bay is a village, but not a municipality.
e) All of the above.
b) A covered bridge.
c) O Canada. The English version of Canada's national anthem was composed in Cedarville by Judge Robert Stanley Weir.
b) Memphremagog House.
b) An outdoor Masonic Lodge meeting. Each summer Masons hold a special convocation atop Mount Owl's Head.
b) Lighthouses.
a) The Magog River (hint: see question #1)
b) Orford.
1. Which town in the Eastern Townships takes its name from a Roman Catholic pope?
a) Bishopton
b) Piopolis
c) Saint-Romain
2. The name "Nigger Rock," derogatory in nature, but very old, refers to what?
a) A point on Lake Champlain said to have been a landing site for runaway slaves from the American South.
b) The auction block in Sherbrooke where slaves were sold before the abolition of slavery in the British colonies in 1831.
c) An old slave burial ground near Saint-Armand.
1. b) Piopolis, on the western shore of Lake Megantic. A number of Papal Zouaves were among the first settlers in this area. The Zouaves were Catholic soldiers recruited to defend Rome and Pope Pius IX (1846-1878) against the armies of Garibaldi.
2. c) An old slave burial ground near Saint-Armand, the site of a once sizeable black community. The name "Nigger Rock" is officially recognized by the Quebec Toponymy Commission.
3. c) Frelighsburg. The term "Slab City" is said to have come from the large quantities of "slabs" of wood found in the village.
1. Billy Connor was the first person to accomplish which aquatic feat?
a) Diving to the bottom of Lake Massawippi
b) Kayaking the St. Francis River all the way from Sherbrooke to the St. Lawrence
c) Swimming the length of Lake Memphremagog
2. Who built Canada's first gasoline powered automobile?
a) Henry Seth Taylor
b) Frank Sleeper
c) George Foote Foss
1. c) William Francis (Billy) Connor was the first to swim Lake Memphremagog (or at least the 40 km stretch from Newport, Vermont to Magog, Quebec). He accomplished this feat in August of 1955 in 18.5 hours. Many people are familiar with the more recent "Traversée internationale du lac Memphrémagog," which has taken place every summer since 1979 between Newport and Magog.
2. c) George Foote Foss, of Sherbrooke, in 1897.
3. a) Reginald Fessenden, in 1900. (Guglielmo Marconi had sent the first wireless messages by Morse Code).